Month: April 2023

Anti-Gun Psyop Takes Another Turn

I have been avoiding the punchline of going down all these conspiracy theory rabbit holes, but I think I have finally been hooked.

The fun in going down these rabbit holes was coming up for air into sanity, thus not screaming from the top of my lungs that lizard people are spiking our water with flouride, while buying a lifetime supply of tin foil to wrap around my head to block the 2.4 GHz signal from my router… which is controlled by the Beast AI, of course. However, this latest attack on Second Amendment rights on mainstream media has broken my last vestiges of faith in the common narrative.

It is now obvious that our media is controlled by interests that do not want people to be armed. Mind you, I hate guns, and I wish we could get rid of them… but we can’t. The fact is, the police are minutes away at best, and your loved ones only have seconds in a home invasion. I don’t subscribe to the “violent overthrow of government by the people” idea that so many 2A people believe. I don’t see how an untrained individual or individuals could ever overcome a SWAT team, much less the military. Even in these sad events where someone attacks the police at traffic stops, the civilian is much more likely to die than the police officer, and I don’t recall even one event where it ended well for the gun armed citizen. At the end of the day it would be, at best, a Belfast scenario, should we ever decide to take up arms against the Washington swamp. I remember from my youth how we all were very glad we were not living in Northern Ireland at the time, even though we did not live in a very safe part of the world at the time.

The latest attack on civilian ownership of guns in the USA has been a concerted effort to selectively report on senseless incidents where an unintended slight of a property owner resulted in the said property owner opening fire. The specifics ARE horrifying, and show a very unstable undercurrent coursing through America at the moment. However, the lack of dozens of stories every day shows that this is cherry-picking of all the gun crime that could be reported. In a country of 350 million plus people, if this was common, it would have been news decades ago, and guns would long ago have been banned.

The perception of gunowners as people willing to shoot and kill children who dare to kick a ball onto their lawn is the goal. The point of this reporting is to alienate the average gun owner, who simply wants to protect his property and family. The resulting outrage, they hope, will be a ban on civilian ownership of deadly weapons. The sad individuals who keep on pushing a statist, left wing agenda on us through the “Free Press” are merely elitist jerks who can afford to live away from the bump and grind of daily life on the streets. They feel that removing personal agency is not only preferred, but necessary in order to create a utopia which, at the end of the day, will only benefit the rich. As always. There is nothing new here.

Avoiding the obviously false reportage of the MSM is now mainstream, rather than the exception. I wonder what they will do, now that they are beginning to lose the narrative? Doubtless cause another emergency that frightens us all into some clusterfuck of a situation, like the pandemic. If I had to guess, it will be this inflation monster becoming mature and resulting in all of us glued to financial news, and by proxy, the MSM news.

In all of this manipulation, we really need to unplug. As the last generation before everyone will be physically linked to the Network, we have the ability to turn off this MSM junk. Step out, enjoy a cigarette or a beer and watch the sunset. Turn off, Tune out, and start enjoying true reality.